About the company

“GRUNTPOL” is a privately held limited company established on Aug 1st 1991. The main activities of “GRUNTPOL” involve agricultural production of cattle and rye, along with ethanol production. Ethanol production includes both raw (crude), and rectified spirit or vodka. “GRUNTPOL” has 1,800 hectares of land and has 40 employees. In the region “GRUNTPOL” is considered as a well-established reliable company in the agricultural and ethanol field.

“GRUNTPOL” was originally established on the basis of governmental farm. In 1997 “GRUNTPOL” was rewarded with “HIT 97” for an excellent concept and performance of privatizing of governmental farms. In April 2003, the company obtained the famous consumer award - the "Dobre bo polskie" certificate, granted to the best products manufactured in Poland for the ZIEMIAŃSKA vodka. Also in 2003 the company received the “ZŁOTY KŁOS” award for the high performance of the produced goods and for the implementation of novel technologies in its agricultural production.